After 15 years in the “fantasy baseball industry”, which is simply a sophisticated term used to describe those of us who have written and/or spoken about fantasy baseball to an audience not limited to friends and family members, I’ve decided to set up shop here at Substack.

My experience in the field began straight out of college, when I landed an internship at here in New York City. While I did some of the classic intern things, making frequent trips to both the vending machine and the xerox machine, I was fortunate enough to spend most of my time helping out with the production of the Fantasy 411 show hosted by Mike Siano and Cory Schwartz, later becoming the voice of the Fantasy 411 blog. This really didn’t seem like work to me, as I had been hooked on fantasy sports since high school. The one-season internship would be followed by another decade serving as a production assistant and blog writer/editor, making several on-air appearances along the way. Then came a two-year run as the Fantasy Editor for Baseball Prospectus.

I began competing in Tout Wars in 2012 and LABR in 2018, winning the Tout Wars Mixed Auction league in 2016. Since 2011, I’ve written several hundred Diary of a Fantasy Madman articles for Mastersball and later Creativesports 2.0, so you might also recognize my name from there.

People who constantly recite their resumes annoy me to no end, so I’ll stop here. But I thought it was important to at least give you the Cliffs Notes version of my background and how I entered the fantasy baseball industry (there’s that term again!)

So here I am at Substack, not really knowing what to expect but eager to start the ride.

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A voyage through the mind of a fantasy baseball vet


Contributing Writer for Creativesports 2.0. Formerly of and Baseball Prospectus. 2016 Mixed Auction Tout Wars Champion.